Your Lumpy Bumpy Pet

Lumps and bumps on the skin are quite common as our dogs age. They are not very common in cats, but we’ll get to them shortly.
Fortunately, most of them are benign and are not harmful.
Our goal is to identify the more dangerous growths while they are small and can easily be removed.
Fatty lumps are probably the most common lump we see in our dogs. The majority are benign, but some of them can grow to enormous sizes, and they are rarely malignant.
Sebaceous cysts are another common lump you can find on your dog. These are benign cysts under the skin that form from sebum getting clogged up and the fluid accumulating. Many will rupture and go away on their own while others may rupture and expel a thick discharge and heal over again and repeat the cycle.
Adenomas & skin tags are other common benign lumps. Adenomas are warty-looking lobulated little growths that do a great job getting cut when your dog gets groomed. They can periodically get infected, grow to a large size and cause problems.
Then there are many other types of lumps and bumps. Even with the descriptions above, there is no way to know exactly what it is until it is removed and submitted to a pathologist. So what should you do?
Any new lumps or bumps you see, bring them in to have them looked at.
It’s always a good idea to keep a log or diagram of your pet’s lumps and bumps. This helps your veterinarians too!
Any lump or bump that is red, growing, and/or painful should come off as soon as possible and be sent for evaluation. If it bothers you or your pet then we should take it off as well.
As for cats? There is only one thing to know. If you find a lump or bump on your kitty, it needs to come off as soon as possible. Lumps and bumps are rare on kitties and should be removed and biopsied. Let your veterinarian take a look first to make sure it’s not a tick, but in general, we’ll want to remove it.
The Veterinary Cancer Society lists ten common signs of cancer.
- Abnormal swelling that persists or continues to grow
- Sores that do not heal
- Weight loss
- Loss of appetite
- Bleeding or discharge from anybody opening
- Offensive odor
- Difficulty eating or swallowing
- Hesitation to exercise or loss of stamina
- Persistent lameness or stiffness
- Difficulty in breathing, urinating or defecating
See a lump or bump on your pet? Call Earlysville Animal Hospital at (434) 973-9699 to schedule an appointment.