Diet and heart disease, preventatives & curbside

Are you confused about the reports about the association of grain free diets and heart disease? Studies are ongoing but we still don’t know why over 1000 dogs who eat grain free and boutique diets have developed serious heart muscle disease. It is likely related to peas and legumes, also called pulses, being listed high in the ingredient list but no one knows for sure.
We agree with Veterinary cardiologists in recommending you avoid feeding these diets until we have more information.
We can recommend a diet for your pet!
We appreciate your patience as we continue curbside service. We miss you and really look forward to having you back in the building once the threat of Covid-19 lessens. We have been very surprised by how well the pets have adapted to coming in without their owners. Most of them tell us every day, “I’ve got this - no problem” as they usher us into the exam room and show us where the treats are.
Many of our clients send nice notes telling us what is going on with their pet. This is so helpful! We definitely want to know what medication, preventatives and supplements you are giving, everything the pet is eating, any changes in activity or behavior you have noticed and of course why the pet is here.
For cats, please let us know if your cat is scratching the furniture or housesoiling.
Please keep up with preventatives. We see cases of Lyme Disease and Ehrlichia every day. These are spread by ticks and the new oral tick products like Simparica offer very effective monthly tick control when used year round. Ticks don’t die from cold weather, they just go to sleep and wake right up when there is a warm day. You may be surprised to learn Lyme disease is spread most in the Fall and Winter. Pets exposed to Lyme Disease and Ehrlichia are much more likely than the average pet to develop serious kidney disease down the road. It is a heartbreaking disease that you can prevent!
We now have Simparica Trio that combines excellent monthly flea and tick control with heartworm preventative all in one tasty pill.
Please call us if you have any questions about your pet’s health care. Looking forward to seeing you soon!